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The ABCs of Menopause: H is for Hot Flashes

We all know hot flushes suck! But, why do they happen and what can we do about them? Check out today's blog when I go over all of this and more! 

Have you taken the Meno-IQ quiz yet? Find out what you do or don't know about menopause! Knowledge is power, even just "knowing what you don't know" and then doing something about it! 


What's Your Meno-IQ?

Free Quiz

I'm on a mission to share the facts on menopause with women like you.

There's a LOT of misinformation and confusion out there regarding menopause and women's midlife health, and you deserve to know the facts to be able to make the best decisions for your health and your future.

Ready to see what you really know about menopause?

Take the quiz to test your Meno-IQ 👇 No Googling allowed! 😉

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